Employment Terms and Conditions and Human Resources

Many of our clients implement their own general terms and conditions of employment.

Employment Terms and Conditions

For many non-profit organisations, affiliation to a collective labour agreement or CAO’ is not mandatory.

Occasionally, these organisations decide to voluntarily opt in. However, these collective labour agreements (collective terms of employment that have been agreed upon in negotiations between employers and relevant trade unions) may often include many unnecessary burdens, in particular for smaller organisations, and so it may be more efficient for a non-profit to develop their own terms of employment. Under such arrangements, you will be able to include the matters you would like to see regulated, while omitting any unnecessary issues.

In this respect, we have extensive experience in both developing and amending employment terms and conditions for non-profit organisations.

We actively advise clients on any (legal) changes that might affect their Terms of Employment and/or Employment Contracts.

Human resources

We also provide human resources support. And we can help you increase the standard of your HR policy.

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Establish in-house Terms of Employment

These can include anything you would like regulated.

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We can provide you with HR support

This includes enhancing your HR policy.

FAQs about HR management

Many non-profit organisations are not required to be affiliated with a Collective Labour Agreement. In some cases, they still opt to voluntarily join a collective agreement. However, because a collective agreement often contains a lot of unnecessary burdens, especially for smaller organisations, it may be more efficient to develop your own Terms of Employment. Under such arrangements, you will be able to include the matters you would like to see regulated, while omitting any unnecessary issues.

We have extensive experience in both developing and amending employment terms and conditions for non-profit organisations.

Please find here a selection of other services that we offer


We are committed to helping our clients in the field of business economics – from charities to charitable funds and from TKIs to foundations and associations. Our expertise and commitment allow us to help them reach their full potential.

All our employees are highly qualified business economists who hold a college or university degree. Working as a team, they are able to deliver the best possible tailor-made service to every client. They are committed to listening to our clients’ needs while still being able to add value.