Payroll Administration

On request, we (also) manage the payroll administration on behalf of our clients.

Payroll Administration

Any organisation employing personnel will have to handle the payroll administration. We also provide support in this area.

We provide a streamlined information delivery system to ensure that all data and mutations are received and are processed on time.

Technical processing

We use a web application for our technical processing.

In addition to payroll processing and income tax declarations, we also handle pensions administration, including the settlement with pension insurers.

All of this is seamlessly linked up with our Human Resources department.

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The data delivery process is streamlined

This ensures that all mutations are received and processed on time.

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We also manage the pension administration

Including settlement with pension insurers.

FAQs about Payroll Administration

If requested, we can take care of clients’ payroll administration. All our finance professionals have all-round expertise, including specialised knowledge of salary administration. In cooperation with our clients we ensure that procedures are transparent, thus maximising efficiency.


We are committed to helping our clients in the field of business economics – from charities to charitable funds and from TKIs to foundations and associations. Our expertise and commitment allow us to help them reach their full potential.

All our employees are highly qualified business economists who hold a college or university degree. Working as a team, they are able to deliver the best possible tailor-made service to every client. They are committed to listening to our clients’ needs while still being able to add value.